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1. How do ads make us buy what we don’t need at all?
• create a particular state of mind in their audience that makes them receptive
• use scare tactics (tell people that bad things will probably happen to them if they don’t have this product or service)
• promise happiness (tell people that they will be filled with joy if they buy this product or service)
• use before-and-after images to dramatize just how much better someone like them feels after buy this product
• imply all consumer’s friends have it (persuade people that they are the ones in their peer group who don’t own this product or service).
2. Do you think advertising on TV is more efficient than advertising in magazines? 
Advertising on TV is more efficient than advertising in magazines because:
• TV reaches a much bigger part of a country’s population
• television is the best way to generate large numbers in terms of reach and brand awareness
• TV is the most trusted form of advertising and remains most like make consumers laugh, move their tears or trigger emotions
• TV allows to appeal to a wide crowd section of the population due to the widespread use of technology itself
• television engages sight and sound while displaying motion, which aids in both learning and recall
• commercials deliver advertising messaged quickly.
Advertising in magazines is more efficient than advertising on TV because:
• it allows to target advertising to reach a particular audience.
3. Is it a good idea to make ads controlled by the government?
Ads should be controlled by the government in order to prevent businesses from running adverts that:
• lie about what they are selling
• present false information
• contain misleading information that confuses the public (e.g. an advertisement for an alcoholic beverage cannot tout the beverage as a medicinal product)
• misinform people about products, or services
• tempt people to buy harmful products like cigarettes and alcohol
• endanger the safety of the public.
4. How does advertising influence children?
Good answer starters:
• children are an extremely vulnerable target audience
How ads influence children:
• commercials make children pester their parents for junk food, expensive toys and modern gadgets
• children make excessive demands on their parents for the products they see in the ads, especially if they were advertised by their favourite characters
• some children even have tantrums in public if their parents refuse to buy products the see in ads
• children often imitate specific behaviours they see in ads
• advertising affects kids’ well-being
• advertising leads children to choose junk food instead of healthy options
• advertising causes changes in children’s behaviour.
Why this happens:
• children take everything at face value and therefore they are easy to persuade
• children are cognitively and psychologically defenceless against advertising
• children are not able to understand persuasive character of advertising messages.
5. What are popular types of advertising?
• hoardings and billboards
• corporate sponsorship
• TV and radio commercials
• word-of-mouth advertising
• a product placement
• leaflets
• brochures
• banner ads
• direct mail
6. What type of media advertising do you like most?
• television advertising
• radio advertising
• print advertising
• Internet advertising
• movies and video games advertising.
7. Is there any advertising that can be harmful to children?
Advertising that can be harmful to children:
• alcohol advertising
• cigarettes advertising
• drugs advertising
• unhealthy foods advertising.
8. What factors should be taken into account while making advertisements?
• uniqueness
• psychology
• presentation and selection of suitable media
• content
• regional culture
• teasers
• target audience
• type of buyers
• reach or number of people exposed to the message.

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