1. What are the most important things when designing a public building?
When designing a public building architects should consider:
• The objectives, requirements and budget of the project
• The constraints of the project
• The location in which the building will exist
• Environmental conditions
• The lighting and ventilation
• Sight surroundings
• Construction technologies and advancements.
2. Is the appearance of a public building as important as its functionality?
There should be a balance between these two important elements because:
• People want to spend their time in buildings that look good, and make them feel good
• Public buildings should aim to attract visitors not only for what goes on inside them, but for the experience of buildings themselves
• Public buildings should be designed to make a statement about a city
• Public buildings are a reflection of we are as a community and as people
• The appearance of public building should be memorable.

3. Should local community be consulted about the design of new public building?
Sentence starters:
• Developers should be encouraged to involve communities and enable them to participate in the process
• The design phase is the one where community involvement can have the most effect
Reasons to ask local community
• It is an effective way to gather information on community needs and wants
• It allows community members to develop a sense of involvement in the design of their environments
• It is impossible to provide an opportunity for all residents to voice their concerns as there is limited time
• In can be very divisive if interests extreme odds.